Computer Tune-Up

Get timely computer tune up services such as optimizing startup and shut down, installing updates, and removing unwanted files and programs.


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Improve Your Computer’s Health with Our Reliable Computer Tune-Up Services

Computers tend to accumulate more and more unnecessary files and need an efficient clean-up. A detailed tune-up from our experts and you will experience a significant performance in your PC and network.

What Computer Tune-Up Services Do We Offer?

Optimizing Startup and Shutdown:

Several factors impact the speed used by your PC to start up and shut down. We assess all of them so that your computer can perform both processes with speed.

Installing Windows Updates:

Microsoft frequently launches upgrades for Windows to resolve issues and enhance the overall performance of the OS. Installing them can be complicated and time-consuming as well. Let us do this process for you.  

Cleanup Quick Launch And Taskbar:

Are you seeing those annoying icons again and again on your taskbar? You won’t see them anymore! We will fix them.

Removing Unwanted Programs:

Over time your computer accommodates unwanted programs and other elements, hindering the performance of your PC. Our tune-up services also include the removal of such programs.

Removing Dust:

The inside of your PC will gradually fill up with dust as it gets older. This accumulation limits the computer’s ability to cool itself, which causes overheating and compromises the machine’s stability and performance. That’s why we also offer a computer dust cleaning service as a part of our tune-up services.

Our Services